Welcome to Send Love to Cohen! Here you can help us mend Cohen’s little heart.

In Oct. 2009, I received a joyful phone call from one of my best friends, Megan… She was pregnant! This baby was conceived out of pure love after a long battle with PCOS. We were all over the moon happy for Megan & Brent. At 10 weeks, Baby “M” became Baby Cohen, a bouncing, happy baby BOY! Everything was wonderful and perfect, until it wasn’t… At 22 weeks, Megan & Brent were devastated to find out that their little Cohen has CHD, Congenital Heart Defect. He has four defects to be exact; four defects that individually are manageable, but that together are very rare and very dangerous. Thus, our friends began on the long journey to fix Cohen’s broken heart. It is a journey that will take them away from their friends and family to have Baby Cohen at the best children’s hospital in the country. It will be a journey of several open heart surgeries and great expense.

If you have landed on this blog it is because you've heard about baby Cohen and the fight his family is facing to hopefully mend his little heart. The family is being surrounded with love, support and prayers, and they are all eternally grateful. There is so much you can do to help through prayer, support and donations. Many of you have contacted Megan about making donations to help. Her friends and family have created some ways for you to help, they are listed below.

Read more about Cohen's story HERE.

Visitors that have made their way here from the invitation to Penny's Baptism please click HERE. Thank you so much!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cohen Update

He is still holding stable. Longest time without an incident. He is amazing everyone one at Children's Medical Center with his strength. Please pray that his blood pressure increases a bit, his lactic acid continues to decrease, his BUN/Creatine decreases, and he starts to output more urine.


  1. Stay strong Cohen...Megan and Brent. You are on the minds of lots of people! Our prayers will continue!

  2. You are in my thoughts and prays all day. I am praying that his blood pressure increase, his lactic acid keeps decreasing and that he keeps fighting until he is much better

  3. Saying lots of prayers for sweet Cohen. It is amazing the strength he has shown in his first days and shows the power of prayer. Sending thoughts and strength to Cohen's family

  4. Praying for your sweet baby boy.

  5. I am so happy that today has been a relatively uneventful day!
    Continuing to pray :)

  6. How did Cohen do overnight? How is he this AM. Praying all is well. I keep refreshing this page to see the next update. Heart babies are so dear to me.
